Monday, December 30, 2013

Bargman 66 Vintage RV Camper Lock Rebuild.

Some notes on how to fix Bargman  locks. 

Below are two You Tubes.  One on rebuilding the lock cylinder (picture above) and one on
rebuilding the poppet spring on the back side.  As with all Honest John's Reviews: No warrantee or guarantee expressed or implied, Use at your own risk.


Holmes Air Purifiers:

I'm a big air purifier person.  Don't ask why...well, OK, I heard you ask:  Its because I live on a very busy street and we get TONS of dust and dirt in the house.  Even with regular vacuuming there is a layer of dust 24X7.  So I purchased 2 air purifiers, 1 Holmes and 1 TheraPure.  They work well enough and are about the same noise level.  Every couple months I clean the filters and WOW...tons of gunked on stuff.

So,  my Holmes  died within a year.  It was clearly one of the electronic components that came from China with poor quality.  No amount of resetting, oiling the motor bearings, or shaking it would revive it.  So I go onto the Holmes website, not expecting much.  I fill out a customer contact form and "WA-LA"...they write back within a day!!!  One thing led to another and they sent me a new unit.   So, I was a bit disappointed by the product quality at first, but the customer service was excellent.  Every one gets a bad batch of parts from time to time, the real measure is how the issue is handled.

Here we are: from innovation to the stone age and back.


Hi fellow earthlings, here at Honest John's reviews (email is (( notice the no 's)) we strive to give the best, most direct, honest (no long running biases or paid positions) and most real and really useful reviews and product commentary on the net. 

We are experts in opinions....and yes, we are engineers with heavy product development backgrounds, legal or financial or technical advice is either expressed or this is an opinion blog, backed up by ...opinions... which are backed up by dubious facts, figures, observations and hyperbole....the sum total of which you may find to be quite useful, sometimes funny, and sometimes very provocative.

For example.  have you ever read "Car and Driver" and wondered why Porsche wins every comparo...the numbers usually look something like this "other car...78 points for interior, handling, engine, fuel....Porsche 60 points for same + 39 points for subjective feeling" for a near perfect score of 99.  Somehow Porsche wins every comparison they lose. Go figure.

Yea. And so and so for "quality" and so and so for ...lots of people and companies claiming to be the best, but really they are far from the best.   Soooo, yea, stuff like that may irk you, but it is what it is.  I don't put that crap here in Honest Johns Blogs.  Just put my opinion backed up by observations I explain to you,  and you can decide.

We will cover many topics including:

  • RV Camper repair
  • Home appliances, the do's and whos's got a good warrantee
  • Politics....ooohhh, hang onto your mouse for this one!
  • Automotive including hidden safety issues of popular brands
  • Restaurant guides
  • Whatever else you want me to research